Wednesday, September 22, 2010

October is Red Leaf Rising Month!!!

The Leaf is rising!!

We are nearing October where our big plans are about to unfold. Two comics featuring the Leaf, four online web comics (NorthForce has already debuted), and the new and improved wikipedia will hit the web.

The Leaf is a quarterly anthology featuring a different generation of the Leaf, Canada's Greatest Hero! every issue. The stories range from five pages to eight, depending on the tale.

First up is The Golden Age Leaf (1940s) with the rest of Winston Churchill's IMPERIALS in a tale set around the Dieppe invasion of France in 1943. Walter MacSorly runs into Zombies along the way and has to slug it out with the undead! Issue number one hits the stands in October.

In issue two of The Leaf, the Silver Age Leaf (1970s) James Hudson MacSorly battles a FLQ terrorist cell in the darkest corners and alleys of Toronto. With ruthless intent, the terrorists have kidnapped a minister and want revenge, money, and a voice. James gives them none of the above. His brand of justice is more swift and immediate. Issue number two is out in December, 2010.

Issue number three has another Golden Age Leaf tale as Walter saves the King and Queen of England from a diabolical Nazi kidnapping plot. Its 1939 and the war drums have echoed across Europe. German Valkyrie winged soldiers attack a train bound for London containing the Royal Family. This story is written by long-time friend Michael Sacal and issue number three has a street date of March 2011.

Over at Surprising Comics, October will see the third issue of Surprising Theater hit the stands. Mark F Davis had graciously agreed to print the 26 page origin story for the Modern Leaf, Michael MacSorly. Toronto is gripped with fear as The Leaf begins a bloody killing spree across town. RCMP Detective Inspector Stanley follows the trail to uncover the truth of the terrible crimes and tracks down The Leaf before he can kill again! Is Michael a killer? Why are bodies piling up all over Toronto?

Surprising Theater #3 is on sale in October for $2.99 US at

There's more! Visit our message board for details of future issues, writers, artists, and release dates.

Sudbury!!!! Quarterly?

That's too long to wait for Canada's Greatest Hero!!!!

Well, Red Leaf has the answer to your Canadian Super Hero fix.

Web Comics...

We have already debuted the NorthForce web comic on our main website and have plans for more Fantastic! stories for our faithful readers.

First, NorthForce "Village of the Dead" is a 60 strip web comic published weekly at Currently, the strip is uploaded every Wednesday night. Tonight, chapter three will be up and its a good one. Something has happened to a mining town in Northern Alberta and hundreds of civilians have gone missing. When NorthForce arrives, they find a deserted town and not a body in sight. Somewhere, the evil mastermind of the event is lurking in the darkness, ready to unleash a trail of death and blood. This strip is drawn by Spanish artist Antonio Lamas.

Debuting in October, Dune, Master Spy will hit the website with a weekly strip as well. Created by another long-time friend Sid pletcher, Dune is the tale of a 1940's Egyptian spy centered in Cairo who thwarts Nazi plans and protects his country's cultural heritage. The series showcases a Golden Age villain called Iron Jaw ---a public domain character from the 1940's when comic publishing in America was filled with patriotic heroes and their adversaries. Red leaf will be reprinting some of Iron Jaw's appearances from that era as will as inserting him in new stories as a thorn in the side of the Allied powers during the war. The art is by Red Leaf Studios veteran Joe Badon who drew  the IMPERIAL back-up story "Monsters" starring Johnny Dingo, the Australian werewolf who fought for Churchill.

The next series to fill the gaps between our quarterly publishing schedule is The Original Leaf web comic.
The web comic series is titled "Calling London!" and is a globe-trotting  adventure set in a half dozen countries around the world. Walter MacSorly is on the heels of a ruthless villain using his detective skills he learned in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to uncover the mystery of an evil Nazi plot to destroy ALL of London! ---and in the wake of devastation, a new enemy will rise up from the ashes and drain the blood of the dead and dying!!! Red Leaf is still in negotiations for an artist on this web comic. Stay tuned here for the announcement soon!

If that doesn't fill you boots, then check out the horroresque Nether Men web comic debuting in October as well!!! Four vampire brothers that have ruled the underworld for 2,000 years have finally encountered their greatest foe---themselves. The family has splintered into two factions and the blood-letting on humans from the family feud reaches a new level of intensity. This thrilling vampire tale will be drawn by super Red Leaf artist Rowel Roque. He also drew the 8 page IMPERIAL feature for The Leaf number one! Vampires, blood, oh my!!!

And  ---there's Skywatcher. This is the story of a man on the run from himself. Caught up in a government plot to confuse its adversaries, Justin Kane has fallen from grace and is now on the run of his life. Once the head of the Alien Investigation Division, was replaced and forced into a mental hospital because he "believes" he is an alien trapped in a human body. Justin escapes, and with the knowledge and skills as A.I Divisions once powerful leader, he relentlessly searches for the answer to the question that has consumed his life: Am I human? This modern tale is set in every conceivable UFO hot spot around the world. Drawn by newcomer, Kellye Perdue, prepare to scan the skies for the impossible...

Finally, The Huskie comes to life again in a new web comic from artist Grace Tveit. She penciled and colored the cover to issue number two of The Leaf and we are excited that she's on this project. "This is right up my alley," said Grace in a recent interview. The Huskie are dog-men that have been hunted to near extinction and are now hiding on the fringes of human society to survive.

Red Leaf Studios hopes to knock your socks off with these Fantastic! tales of horror, adventure, and mystery. Vampires, heroes from World War 2, dog-men, aliens...the sun has set on the competition and the Leaf has risen.

Red Leaf Rising at


John Helmer
Publisher, Red leaf Comics

Saturday, September 18, 2010

NorthForce "Village of the Dead Chapter 2"

Yes, these are exciting times! Mike Rickaby just completed the lettering for chapter two and three and I have just posted chapter 2 on the main webpage.

Read the thrilling adventures of NorthForce here:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Nether Men

Vampires, Oh My!

Red Leaf Comics is proud to present The Nether Men, a family of four vampire brothers endlessly walking the Earth preparing for the final battle of good vs. evil! The Nether Men will be appearing in their own webcomic appearing soon on the main Red Leaf web page and as well in the current web comic NorthForce.

The Nether Men represent the complicated and rewarding relationships we all have between family members and how we navigate those trying times. They will also be a force in the Red Leaf Universe as they have existed for over two thousand years. They will battle the Golden Age Leaf during World War Two in a story titled "Calling London" where one of the brothers has plotted the destruction of that great city to syphon off the blood of its victims. Additionally, they will face Dune in Egypt, 1941 as the Master Spy uncovers a bloody plot by the youngest brother, Kinden. NorthForce will try to save Canada against these blood thirsty creatures in a modern story.

We have great plans for the Family of the Undead! Check out or blog, the message board, and The Leaf ongoing series published quarterly for stories and announcements...


Publisher, Red Leaf Comics

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Leaf #1

With all the art in, the lettering is in the final stages. It's exciting time, indeed! I created the Leaf in 1987 as a tribute to Captain Canuck. The northern hero had a limited run and I felt there was a need for more. Fast forward to 2010 and this is truely the year of the Leaf.

Here's a page from the IMPERIALS story featuring The Golden Age Leaf ---Captain Walter MacSorly!

Hold on to your brains!!! The Leaf has just checked into the "Zombie Castle"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

News and Info

September has been a busy month here at Red Leaf Studios. We are gearing up for the launch of The Leaf #1 in October. The cover is stunning and was painted digitally by Jakob Darq! C.L. Werner and I have carefully crafted and designed the IMPERIALS since 2004 and the results are rewarding. Over two dozen superheroes from the British Empire against a half dozen or so Axis villains.

One of the more exciting results of creating the IMPERIALS universe during World War Two was to collaborate with long-time friend, Sidney Pletcher. He's a thoroughly red military buff and knows more about tanks, planes, and ships than Jane's! He jumped on board in 2005 and created DUNE! Mustafa Faroh is an Egyptian spy who can kill in an instant and slip off silently. Currently, we have planned a web comic set in 1940 in Cairo, Egypt where Dune meets a Nazi thug named Iron Jaw.

This evil character was first published by Lev Gleason  in Boy Comics #3 (1942). Gleason was the original publisher of these and many characters, but Gleason was eventually forced out of business and the characters have since fallen in the public domain due to copyright and trademark lapses. We are excited to pit Dune against Iron Jaw for a battle to decide the fate of the free world! The web comic will thrill and surprise you with its twists and turns. Here's a preview of the character: Dune, Master Spy!

Red Leaf also has a 26 page Modern Leaf origin story in Surprising Theater #3 due out in October. Mark F Davis at Surprising Comics has been more than accommodating and has work tirelessly to help get that action/mystery tale to print! Check his latest work out on his boards.

October is Red Leaf Rising!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Antonio Lamas has turned in the next strip. That's two strips out of the three that compose page one. Its exciting to be involved with creators and artistS that put in endless hours designing and drawing characters and panels. I have poured my heart int NorthForce over the years and the team is well balanced, effective, and humorous.

I hope you enjoy the strips as they pop up on the main page throughout the next few months.

"Village of the Dead"
Written by John Michael Helmer
Drawn by Antonio Lamas
Lettered by Mike Rickaby

Friday, September 3, 2010

NorthForce on Guard!

Red Leaf Comics is excited to present our first Web Comic: NorthForce. Antonio Lamas of Spain is hard at work crafting the twenty page story Village of the Dead! Our beloved Canadian heroes: The Mountie, The Leaf, Neutralator, and Gadget Girl fight to the death against one of the oldest creatures on Earth ---a two thousand year old vampire!

This blood-soaked tale centers around a mining town in Northern Alberta where the entire population has gone missing.

Appearing SOON on our main website:

Here's Neutralator by Antonio Lamas: