Saturday, September 11, 2010

News and Info

September has been a busy month here at Red Leaf Studios. We are gearing up for the launch of The Leaf #1 in October. The cover is stunning and was painted digitally by Jakob Darq! C.L. Werner and I have carefully crafted and designed the IMPERIALS since 2004 and the results are rewarding. Over two dozen superheroes from the British Empire against a half dozen or so Axis villains.

One of the more exciting results of creating the IMPERIALS universe during World War Two was to collaborate with long-time friend, Sidney Pletcher. He's a thoroughly red military buff and knows more about tanks, planes, and ships than Jane's! He jumped on board in 2005 and created DUNE! Mustafa Faroh is an Egyptian spy who can kill in an instant and slip off silently. Currently, we have planned a web comic set in 1940 in Cairo, Egypt where Dune meets a Nazi thug named Iron Jaw.

This evil character was first published by Lev Gleason  in Boy Comics #3 (1942). Gleason was the original publisher of these and many characters, but Gleason was eventually forced out of business and the characters have since fallen in the public domain due to copyright and trademark lapses. We are excited to pit Dune against Iron Jaw for a battle to decide the fate of the free world! The web comic will thrill and surprise you with its twists and turns. Here's a preview of the character: Dune, Master Spy!

Red Leaf also has a 26 page Modern Leaf origin story in Surprising Theater #3 due out in October. Mark F Davis at Surprising Comics has been more than accommodating and has work tirelessly to help get that action/mystery tale to print! Check his latest work out on his boards.

October is Red Leaf Rising!

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