Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Red Leaf Rising Part III

The Leaf Timeline 2009-2010

A Landmark Decision

I had known about Mark F Davis for year on several boards. We had even exchanged barbs about comic prices, themes, and concepts. The conversation never moved beyond the topic of the day. Then in November 2009, Mark posted a question in a brand new thread on a well frequented board about publishing comics. He had made several attempts in the past, most notably the one issue publishing giant Landmark Comics and its ephemeral issue number one, Suddenly Landmark. A brave attempt, but possible with the wrong supporting cast. The issue never made it to its second incarnation. He introduced a pivotal character called American Guard in a 5 page short story that ended with a promise for more. Something Mark couldn't fulfill at the time. His supporting cast had moved on to other projects and he had been left on his own to ponder the perils of publishing. I answered his post and we quickly emailed a volley of information back and forth.

What a Surprise...

Mark emailed me that he was forming a new company to get a clean start called Surprising Comics. In a weird twist of fate, we exchanged where we lived and to our pleasant surprise, we discovered we both lived in Phoenix, Arizona. Dozens of phone calls proceeded and I offered my technical services in exchange for Mark's promise to reprint the Leaf 2005 Summer Slam. Mark also offered slots for additional new stories from the Leaf. He was enchanted by the odd, yet charming character from Canada and all the stories I enthusiastically told.

Surprising Theater

We culled a handful of stories together and formed the basic framework of a 20 page debut issue titled "Surprising Theater #1" which was set to appear on newsstands in March of 2010 ---a mere five (5) months since our initial conversation. Surprising Theater was born from Marks contagious energy and endless ideas. He is a plausible genius in the small publishing realm, creating characters, concepts, and ideas. He challenged me to write better, tell more dynamic stories, and to beat his boundless energy for the comics. I have tried, yes I really have, but his energy is endless. This guy really loves comics. We sent the issue off to the printer and waited 28 days for the final product.

What Santa Brings...

The box arrived late one afternoon and I picked up the package an waited for Mark to arrive. It was a very exciting moment to open the shipping container and see hundreds of Surprising Theater #1's spill out! Holding you comic with the Leaf on the cover, well that’s a thrill. But there was work to be done...

The Missing Link

The Golden Age Leaf existed in the 30's and 40's and the Modern Leaf is from today ---what happened in between? Canada had felt much internal strife in the 60's and 70's with Quebec separatists trying to fracture the country into to parts. James MacDonald MacSorly rose from his Father's shadow and became the Silver Age Leaf. I created the feisty, take no prisoners, James and thrust him into a very violent time in Canada's history. He thrived there. I'm not sure if the man mad the times or the times mad the man, but James became a more angry Leaf with a score to settle. Something Walter never indulged in. Walter did his job ---the duty all Canadians held to thwart evil and free the world from Axis oppression. James was different. He was the seething anger and undercurrent from the after effects of a world war. He was the scar the wound could not heal. Something his son would not dare not become. This was Michael's motivation, the reluctant hero who did not want to be his father.

Next: 2010 continued...

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